
CCRTC Update # 7



When we set the schedule of dates for the academic year 2019-2020 eleven months ago, April 30th was identified as the last day of classes for the Winter Semester. Our teacher-candidates (and faculty) may have looked at the academic calendar during the course of this school year to see how close we were getting to that last day. It is good to have goals – to press on towards the finish line. Teacher-candidates in their final year of teachers college anticipate their last day. Students in grade 8 and grade 12 look forward to the last day. I can assure you that even doctoral candidates look forward to the last day. Nevertheless, to borrow a line from many valedictorian addresses, the end of regular classes is only the beginning of next stages in life. Having finished their final practicum ever, our graduating class look forward to beginning a new school year as teachers serving the Lord in Reformed Christian elementary schools. What a blessing! What a responsibility!

In a book entitled The End of Education, author Neil Postman draws attention to the fact that “end” has more than one meaning. This little word can also act as a synonym for “purpose.”  As we stand together at the end of this winter semester, we would do well to also reflect back on the purpose of regular classes. This was expressed well recently in a learning theories assignment where a teacher-candidate observed that while each child is created by God in His image, they all have unique strengths and weaknesses. Yet, just as God comes to us as we are, so too Christian teachers ought to meet each of these children where they are to support, encourage, and instruct them in the way. This purpose is captured in the gracious words of our Lord who in the midst of adversity provided His people with teachers:

Although the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, your teachers will be hidden no more; with your own eyes you will see them. Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” – Isaiah 30:20-21

Our covenant God continues to provide teachers to keep us in the way and who equip us to walk in it. The last day of classes has come and gone. As we look back at another academic year at CCRTC, we see too how the Lord in His grace provided these “regular” classes to serve His purpose. In the weeks ahead we will sit down and create a schedule of dates for the 2020-2021 academic year and on that list will be a date for the last day of classes. Brother Feenstra reminded us last week that as we make those plans we do so humbly seeking the Lord’s will. We may not know what “regular” classes will look like next school year but we do know that the Lord’s purposes will take place and His way is good.

Jack Huizenga, CCRTC Full-time Faculty Member